6 Best Practices for B2B Marketing on Instagram

B2B marketing on Instagram

Say you’ve found that your audience gladly scrolls through their Instagram feeds, and, even better, they like to connect with potential business clients and partners via this platform.

The next step is to create a business profile and start working on your strategy.

But, you may have doubts about your marketing on Instagram.

How often should you post? What hashtags to use? Should you include some entertaining content or product announcements only?

In this article, we’re sharing six best practices for B2B marketing on Instagram you’ll easily apply and get excellent results.

Let’s get started!

1. Determine Your KPIs Before You Start to Monitor Them

Social media is known for its vanity metrics. The number of followers and likes you have on your posts doesn’t tell you as much as your engagement rate, or the number of messages you get in your DM, for example.

That’s why it’s important to determine how you’ll measure success. Set goals and identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you’ll be monitoring, so you know what type of content resonates most with your audience.

2. Make Sure You’re Consistent

Consistency is key for social media because your followers will soon get used to a specific rhythm. If you post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, they’ll be starting a countdown on Sunday afternoon until they see your newest post on Monday morning.

Give people routine rather than frequency – posting quality content consistently is more important than posting every day.

3. Post Unique and Authentic Content

If you’re looking to stand out in the sea of competitors on Instagram, you need to do things differently. If your content plan is similar to everybody else’s, it won’t really turn heads. And that’s exactly what you want.

When planning your content, check out your competition and think about what makes you different and unique. Create your content around that and make your brand recognizable on Instagram. Live streaming, behind-the-scenes, and sharing your story are just a few ways to do that.

4. Nurture Engagement

People want to know that brands care about them. Whether you’re a B2C or a B2B company, your prospects or clients don’t want just to be sold to – they want to see that you genuinely want to engage with them and help them.

Being active and transparent in communication will enable you to establish a meaningful relationship with your audience. Answer their messages and comments, own your mistakes, share their content, go to their profiles, and like their posts and leave comments. That’s how one builds a loyal community.

5. Leverage Ads for Profile Growth

No amount of ads can help you if you don’t engage with your audience or create quality content, but well-targeted ads can indeed boost your visibility and help you reach the right people.

You can use ads to show your top-performing posts to more people, get to broader audiences, or set up Facebook Ads to promote your lead magnet and send traffic to your website.

6. Don’t Forget Video Content

Video is the content of the future, and after the latest announcements from Instagram, it’s critical that you also use Reels, IGTV, and stories to share videos.

There’s plenty you can do in video form: host interviews, create tutorials, show how your product is made, show a little behind-the-scenes from your office, and more. Just unleash your creativity!

Instagram Is Your Oyster

Now, when you think about it, there’s really a lot you can do on Instagram. Even though some people still believe B2B marketing is more suitable for some other platforms, Instagram had seen quite some growth last year, so chances are high that your target audience is right there.

All you need to do is create quality content, post consistently, and nurture the relationship with your followers. It may not be as simple as it sounds, but it’s the one strategy that never fails.

Picture of Jessica Rhoades

Jessica Rhoades

Jessica Rhoades is the Owner and Designer at Create IT Web Designs. Among her greatest passions are web design, SEO, helping small businesses succeed, bicycling, traveling, and making lists.

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